
Why do People Love Strawberry Vape and More E-Juice Facts

When you choose the appropriate vape juice, vaping can be a really enjoyable experience. Most are named after their flavour because it is a major determining factor. Strawberry vape juice is particularly well-liked, and the top brands' list always includes it. Users can choose from blends and pure strawberry vape juice to find what works best for them.

However, have you ever questioned why strawberry e-juice is such a well-liked flavour? We have the solutions for you. It can persuade you to start using one. We'll also talk more about vape juice in this article.



Everyone who vapes wants to experience a mouthwatering flavour. One of the most delectable and sweet fruits available is the strawberry. Who doesn't enjoy the taste of berries?

Strawberries don't overpower the flavor of other vape juice components like PG, VG, nicotine, or additional options that you might employ. Instead, it improves them, creating the strawberry vape juice even more delicious.


Many individuals enjoy berries and find them to be healthy. Vapers want to try them. Therefore, when they are incorporated into vape juice, they do. Particularly strawberries are rich in vitamins, minerals, and polyphenol antioxidants. In addition, they have fewer calories and don't include dangerous ingredients like sodium or cholesterol. So anyone who wants to vape while on a diet would much rather use strawberry vape juice than anything else.


Although many guys also enjoy strawberry vape juice, it is popular among women. The colour of any strawberry vape juice will be warm and lively, even though the number of strawberries and other components may affect the e-color. The pink hue of the strawberry vape juice can uplift you if you want to feel lively.


E-liquid contains a variety of components, including flavour. The unpredictability of the ingredients is an issue. Nicotine and numerous other additives and chemicals are typically found in vape liquids. Also the heating coil, which creates an inhalable aerosol out of the juice, releases new toxins and trace metals into the user's lungs.

E-liquids contain many components, but nobody is taking responsibility for keeping track of them. While commercial e-cigarette manufacturers may have production standards, requirements for vape shops, off-brand online sellers, or "DIY" vape juice blends are less uniform.

Many different substances that could be hazardous can be found in vape juice. Flavors, nicotine, dyes, THC (the component of marijuana that produces a "high"), and other drugs may be present. There are many different combinations. There are rumors that people have added multivitamins, essential oils, or even traces of medications to e-liquids.

Propylene Glycol (PG)

Propylene Glycol is a petroleum-based liquid that is flavourless, colourless, and odourless. In contrast to vegetable glycerine, PG is runnier and has a syrupy viscosity.

Ethylene Glycol, a hazardous substance in antifreeze, is frequently confused with propylene glycol. Many manufacturers now use propylene glycol as a substitute for ethylene glycol because of its severe toxicity. PG is a substance that can be found in human and animal goods, whereas you must handle ethylene glycol carefully.

The FDA has cleared the chemical propylene glycol for consumption by people, and it is not thought to be carcinogenic. The long-term health repercussions of breathing PG still need to be recognised.

Due to its capacity to hold onto moisture, thicken dishes, and bind other components together, PG is frequently employed as a food additive.

PG is an ingredient in ice cream, salad dressing, soft beverages, boxed cake mixes, and commercial food colouring.

Shampoo, mouthwash, lotion, ointments, toothpaste, and deodorant are PG cosmetics.

How does this ingredient affect your vaping experience?

  • In e-juices, PG is utilised as a vehicle to transport the flavour. The sharper the taste, compared to VG, the higher the PG ratio.
  • An increase in PG is also linked to a throat hit that is more potent and more like smoking tobacco.
  • Consider the vaping device you're using. PG is considerably simpler to wipe off your vape and has a thinner consistency than VG. Leaking problems could arise if you use a high PG ratio.
  • Some individuals experience adverse reactions to PG. Thus, choosing an e-juice with a greater VG ratio may be advisable if you have allergic signs like skin irritation or sore throat.

Vegetable Glycerin (VG)

Vegetable glycerine (VG), also known as glycerol, is a thick, clear liquid primarily obtained from palm or soybean plants. Although less prevalent, it can also be manufactured from animal fat.

Due to its thick and syrupy texture, many people mistake this for vegetable oil, although VG isn't the same as vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is not water-soluble, although glycerol is.

The FDA has authorised VG as a substance people consume and is "generally recognised as safe." The consequences of breathing in glycerol or VG are unknown, though.

How does this ingredient affect your vaping experience?

  • Due to the liquid's viscosity, VG impacts the amount of vapour generated. Cloud-chasing vapers will employ high VG ratios in sub-ohm devices to produce thick, fluffy clouds. The clouds are dense when the VG ratio is higher.
  • VG is renowned for having a softer, more comfortable throat hit.
  • The thicker VG will make it more difficult for your vape coil to wick, which could result in dry hits. As a result, a high VG ratio will delay the cotton saturation in your vape coil.
  • It's also critical to note that VG's goopy consistency will make tank cleaning more difficult than with PG.

Flavouring Concentrates

To mimic the taste of a food or beverage concentrates in e-juices employ a blend of artificial and natural flavouring.

Manufacturers of e-juice use GRAS, or "food grade," liquid concentrates certified by FEMA (flavour extracts manufacturers association). The effects of inhaling these concentrates have yet to be entirely understood, even though they are food-grade.

Baked goods, drink, candy, and other processed items with artificial ingredients contain flavouring concentrations.

When creating vape juice tastes, a straightforward flavour like strawberry may require several different additives to accurately capture the tang of a strawberry—the art and science of mixing drinks.

How does this ingredient affect your vaping experience?

  • A maximum of 10% of the total amount of e-juice is made up of flavouring concentrates.
  • Oil-based additives are not used in e-juices.
  • Diketone family flavourings, including diacetyl, acetoin, and acetyl propionyl, are known to be dangerous if inhaled. Diethyl was portrayed in the media as a health risk when workers from a microwave popcorn business started experiencing the unusual lung ailment termed popcorn lung or bronchiolitis obliterans.
  • Cigarettes contain 10-100 times more diacetyl than any e-juice has been discovered.


The nightshade family of plants contains alkaloid nicotine, including tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, and tobacco.

One of the key factors contributing to the difficulty of quitting cigarettes is the highly addictive nature of nicotine.

Although it is seen as a stimulant, nicotine also helps people relax.

The tar and other chemicals in cigarettes have carcinogenic effects when inhaled, contrary to the common misconception that smoking causes cancer. Although nicotine is very addictive, there is no evidence to suggest that it causes cancer.

To help smokers stop, nicotine is a chemical that is present in inhalers,  nicotine gum, patches, and e-liquid.

Strong nicotine cravings make it challenging to stop smoking cold turkey.

To help individuals quit smoking, nicotine is utilized in vape liquids and other nicotine replacement therapies. Many people use vaping to mimic the smoking experience and obtain nicotine more safely.

0 nic vape juice is also offered since nicotine in e-liquid is utilised as a cessation assistance. It might be the last step in permanently cutting down on nicotine consumption.

How does this ingredient affect your vaping experience?

  • Nicotine concentrations in e-cigarettes can range from 0 mg to 3 mg, 6 mg, and 12 mg.
  • You can get 0 mg nicotine e-juices if you want to stop using nicotine but still want the sensation of smoking. Not all vape juices include nicotine.
  • The sharper the throat hit, the more nicotine is present. Nicotine can intensify the flavour and has a spicy flavour.
  • Nicotine comes in two forms: freebase nicotine and nicotine salts.
  • Regular nicotine, also known as freebase nicotine, is most frequently found in doses of 0 mg, 3 mg, 6 mg, and 12 mg.
  • Because nicotine salts are pretty recent, vapers can use them at higher nicotine levels without experiencing the harsh taste that comes with freebase nicotine. It's how nicotine salts differ from conventional nicotine (freebase). It is the vaping sensation that provides nicotine most closely to that of smoking a cigarette.
  • Salts of nicotine are also referred to as nic salts. It’s typically found in nicotine concentrations ranging from 25 to 50 mg.
  • To prevent kids from ingesting e-juice, all bottles must be child-proofed. A child who consumes too much nicotine could die.


Some of these ingredients, included in e-liquid, might be fatal. In EVALI, an acronym for e-cigarette or vaping product use linked to lung injury, vitamin E acetate has been suggested as one possibility. This syndrome, related to vaping and may be lethal, rose in 2019. Eating vitamin E acetate is safe, but inhaling it is harmful.

There's no question in my mind. Patients diagnosed with EVALI have chest X-rays that can display evidence of lungs irritated by greasy chemicals.

Therefore, we don't know what is "safe" when inhaling vape juice. Something may be fine to eat, but it may have negative effects when inhaled.

There is little proof that the flavours of vape juice are harmful to specific consumers. However, there are still some questions that still need to be answered. According to a study, heating flavours with other vape juice ingredients can produce new molecules that may be dangerous.

It can harm the lungs by breathing in dangerous substances. Vaper's tongue is a phenomenon that leads to a rapid full or partial loss of taste perception, according to certain vaping fans.


What happens once you swallow vape juice by mistake?

There won't be any negative side effects from ingesting nicotine-free vape juice. It's different if your vape juice contains nicotine. However, it's not necessarily a problem. The dose makes the poison. No matter how strong the liquid is, call poison control if you consume a significant amount.

Does it stain clothes?

Most of the time, no. Most e-liquid stains will disappear after being washed. Pour some liquid soap on the discoloration and rub it with a gentle cloth to be extra safe. Nevertheless, some e-liquid could contain synthetic colouring that stains clothing. These typically have more vibrant hues and are simple to spot.

What should I do if I spill e-juice?

Wiping it with kitchen paper will do the trick if there is only a tiny amount. Go the extra mile and use part of your surface cleaning if you drop the entire bottle, especially if children or pets (especially cats) are nearby. Since nicotine can infiltrate the skin, it's best to wear gloves during cleaning.

How ought vape juice be kept?

Preferably tightly closed in a cool, dry cupboard that is out of the sun. It ought to lessen any problems if your bottles have a dark hue.

Is vape juice oil?

E-liquid is NOT oil, I repeat. In some vape juice, you may occasionally find natural oils from fruit, tobacco, or other extracts in very small quantities. Still, these occurrences are rare and do not alter the solubility of vape juice in water. Even though vape juice may resemble oil, it is not an oil. It is cannabis oils, not vape juice, are appropriate for vaping.

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