The Making of Big Cloud Vapours

The Making of Big Cloud Vapours

Some vapers seek potent flavours, some seek a powerful throat hit and rapid nicotine absorption, and others seek out CLOUDS!

After some time vaping, you usually seek bigger, thicker clouds instead of the throat hit most novice vapers, and ex-smokers frequently demand.

So how can cloud hunters accomplish this? If you want to increase the number of vape clouds you produce, there are a few things to consider. We'll talk about these and more below.

Cloud Vapours

Sub-ohming and vapour clouds used to be boring.

Vaping was primarily about getting the nicotine fix and experiencing that familiar punch in the throat from smoking.

But eventually, things started to shift.

The more we grew accustomed to vaping and distanced me from smoking, the more enticing it seemed to create significant vapour clouds. The thin vapour from pen-sized and cigalike gadgets started to feel insufficient, even though I'd never been a full-fledged cloud chaser.

So we made a few experimental moves to increase my device's ability to produce vapour. We started to pump up some substantial clouds as I fine-tuned my setup and understood more about vaping over time.

We probably won't win a cloud-building contest anytime soon, but you can construct your clouds as huge as you wish by using the crucial information that vapers have gathered over the years.

Not every vaper you know is enthusiastic about wrapping their Clapton coils or worrying about the surface area of their builds, though, and many posts on enhancing vapour output center on rebuilding. Most casual vapers are only interested in getting as far as modern sub-ohm tanks.

Therefore, this blog post is for you if you want to create enormous clouds of vapour but are not very interested in rebuildable mods.


Smaller vaping tanks work well for daily usage, but if you want to step it up and make big vapour clouds, you'll need a sub-ohm tank with a low-resistance coil.

The vape tank size is the most important consideration, regardless of the style of tank you select. The more e-liquid the tank can contain and vapourize, the bigger it is. Additionally, you won't need to refuel as often while cloud chasing.

The content is equally important. Glass or Pyrex can endure the heat your gadget generates when puffing large clouds. These characteristics are already present in sub-ohm tanks primarily used by cloud chasers. These tanks have coil resistance that is less than 1.0 ohms.

You should select a vape tank that uses mesh coils to maximise cloud production.

In essence, mesh coils are thin, flat metal strips with several holes bored through them. As a result, the coil's surface area is maximised, increasing the e-liquid that contacts the coil's surface. As a result, more e-liquid is heated at once, which increases the amount of vapour produced.

Second, cloud chasers benefit greatly from sub-ohm coils. The name "sub-ohm coils" refers to coils with less than 1-ohm resistance. A coil produces more vapour when its resistance is lower because it heats up more quickly.


Airflow is crucial to vape if you wish to produce more vapour. Increased airflow increases cooling capability. The temperature will be colder the more air you drag over your coil. Cooler airflow might also help protect the wick because excessive power and poor airflow can harm the wick. As the proper ratio of air and condensation produces clouds with the ideal balance of size and density, inhaling the vapour is another result of more air.

More airflow increases cooling capacity and vapour production. You can maintain the temperature at a lower level as more air passes over your coil. The temperature must be low enough to prevent burning your wick from occurring from using too much power or not enough airflow.

Low temperatures reduce the possibility of burning your wick since they keep everything colder. Still, they also introduce new air into the mix and promote the condensing of the vapour into a cloud.

You can give your gadget a better chance to produce more vapour by increasing the air passing over the coil.

As e-liquid is vaporised, the area above the coil fills to a point where you can't produce additional vapour unless part of it condenses back into e-liquid. It stops the creation of new steam if your airflow is fully shut off.

You obtain more than you would use less airflow because you're supplying steady fresh air to fill with vapour. Fast airflow across the coil eliminates this "old" vapour and replaces it with "new vapour."

However, it's only one of the ways that increased airflow causes an increase in vapour production.

The fact that you are not exhaling "vapour" when you vape is another, more significant element. It's an "aerosol," a term for a spray of liquid droplets. In other words, condensation is necessary for large clouds, provided there is sufficient air to remove the condensed aerosol from the chamber.

The vapour is cooled by the airflow across your coil, which causes it to condense into liquid droplets. As a result, the amount of visible "vapour" (also known as aerosol) that is produced increases with airflow.

The extra airflow also puffs out the vapour by "diluting" it with more air. It has been likened to cotton candy because it seems bigger and fluffier the more air is added to the mixture. Although too much air can result in wispy vapour, more atmosphere is typically desirable when looking for clouds.


Simple logic dictates that larger clouds are produced when there is more power.

As long as you use the identical tank and e-juice, vaping at 60 W will result in significantly larger clouds than vaping at 30 W. It appears simple (and it is). However, a few extra considerations exist before turning the power to 100 W.

One of the reasons you require more airflow is that as the power running through the coil (in your tank) is increased, more heat is produced.

While some people prefer hotter vapour than others, the majority will want to add more air to balance the heat. However, there's no right or wrong way to vape, so try several methods and find the one you prefer the most.

The airflow significantly influences the draw's tightness. However, choosing to enhance airflow has additional effects as well. More air will provide an airier vape, while less air will produce more resistance (and somewhat like puffing on a cigarette).

Again, different vapers have different preferences for airflow, so you should try a few other things to see what you like.

It would be best if you also considered your choice of the tank while selecting a power setting.

Although a sub-ohm tank is ideal for cloud-chasing because they can all handle higher power, only some of the coils in the tank are certified for the same power levels. The recommended settings, which are frequently inscribed on the coil directly, indicate the amount of power that can be applied to them.

There is a purpose for the rules. Typically, it has trouble wicking, or the vapour becomes uncomfortable and hot near the top.

They aren't fixed, so you can always experiment with higher settings if you want more vapour. Although you might experience some dry hits if you go too much above the suggested dose, it truly depends on your preferences.

The simple truth is that large clouds need power and maximum airflow. Large batteries and regulated mods are useful in this situation.


The size and density of the clouds depend on the e-liquid you use. We know that VG and PG are the two main components of e-liquid. Since these two elements have different purposes, most e-juice combines them. VG produces the vapour, and PG produces the flavour and throat hit. It would help if you had an e-liquid with a high VG content to produce more smoke and huge clouds.

If you're an experienced vaper, you know that producing large clouds requires patience and effort. You'll also select a portfolio of flavours that you prefer. The PG to VG ratio should be considered while looking into e-liquids. To master this art form, time and practice are necessary. When practicing, it's important to have a healthy lung capacity and be aware of proper inhalation and exhalation procedures.

It's crucial to be aware that after the VG content exceeds 50%, the e-liquid can thicken and cause issues in some tanks. Sub-ohm tanks don't typically have this issue, though.

If you like huge clouds, pick a vape juice with a 50/50 PG/VG ratio or more VG. Vape liquids with high PG can be quite unpleasant on your throat and are bad for creating a lot of vapour.

When employing lower resistances, the potency of the e-liquid is also crucial. The basic line is that you should decrease your nicotine strength to compensate for increased nicotine intake when you produce more vapour. For this reason, some e-liquids contain 0.3% nicotine.


For the best cloud chasing, your vape equipment needs the right batteries. The clouds will be nicer and last longer if the batteries are more powerful. Fixed voltage batteries will be adequate if you're just getting started with a basic vape device. Also, regulated mods let you alter the voltage and power requirements to create a unique vape. Exploring this alternative will result in a hit that is much smoother and has greater clouds.

To achieve your vaping goals, you can fine-tune your battery's power range the more you can adjust it to the tank and air resistance. When using a regulated box mod, starting with lower wattage is best. Check the coil's recommended wattage range and put the power at the lower end of it. You can boost wattage if your draws aren't hot or dry. Play around and experiment until you find the sweet spot.

Batteries with a greater flow rate work best when combined with sub-ohm tanks for traditional cloud chasing. It aids in matching the coils with low resistance.

Variable Wattage or Variable Voltage

Variable wattage is preferable to variable voltage when using a regulated mod since it automatically changes the voltage input to consider the coil's resistance. Adjusting the voltage works, but it's much simpler to say the watts you want at the end and let the mod figure out all the nuances. Think of the voltage as the first push your battery provides. Then, please think of the wattage as the power that makes it through your vape's coil.

In other words, each coil's performance and amount of vapour will vary depending on whether you smoke at 4 V with a 0.5-ohm or a 1-ohm coil. But the efficiency will be constant if you inhale at 50 W on both coils.

Using a regulated mod in a variable wattage setting, perform the following actions to locate the sweet spot for clouds:

  1. Start with a low wattage setting near the bottom of the coil's recommended range, with the maximum airflow setting.
  2. Drag the device a couple of times.
  3. Adjust the wattage (3 to 5 W) and continue steps 2 and 3 if the vape is not too hot and you are not getting dry puffs.
  4. Reducing the wattage to the last effective setting should be done when the vapour becomes too hot, or you start to experience dry puffs.

Always start low and raise the wattage gradually. A high starting wattage might burn the wick and provide a terrible burnt taste. You can't eliminate the flavor once the wick has burned. Thus, you will need to change the coil.

Everyone has a distinct idea of the ideal vape, and you might choose a warmer or a colder vape, as we indicated before. It is worthwhile to take some time to customise these parameters.

Higher wattages are preferable for producing vapour, but you may still consider your tastes and get a tonne of steam.


The subject of creating enormous vapour clouds is vast. However, this page addresses the essential considerations you should make while customising your vaporiser.

There's no "wrong" way to vape. As we have repeatedly emphasized, you don't need massive, blowing clouds to enjoy vaping. The crucial thing is getting the proper amount of vapour for personal preferences. Therefore, it's vital to strike a balance between your tastes for flavour, throat hit, and tightness of draw and your vapour production needs.

Trying new things is the best piece of advice.

See whether switching to a higher-VG e-juice satisfies your drive to chase clouds. Try out some settings with more power. Buy a fresh sub-ohm tank. Adjust the airflow. After that, you can determine the ideal ratio and other factors to fit your preferences.

Be as cloud-chasing as you please, but always vape how you choose.

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