
Is it Safe to Use Smart Vape Nicotine-Free E-Cigarettes?

Is nicotine-free vaping better for you than regular vaping?

Millions of people have died from cigarettes and nicotine, and millions more have experienced the loss of a loved one. Many different medicines are available, and some are undoubtedly riskier than others, especially regarding their potential for addiction. However, cigarettes have always managed to recreate themselves and become more appealing to different groups, including those who would often avoid smoking because it is too unhealthy.

Although smoking has long been recognized to have a wide range of negative side effects, illnesses, and chronic disorders, people nevertheless enjoy the act of smoking. However, there has recently been a drive for cigarette substitutes that don't include breathing in hot smoke from burning plant matter. To obtain the same effect without the risky chemicals is where the new trend of utilizing a nicotine-free vape comes in, but is it any safer?

We'll examine what a nicotine-free vape is, how it functions, and why it's become so well-liked recently. The hazards and adverse effects of using a nicotine-free vape are then discussed, as well as how eventually giving up the habit will improve your general health. Finally, we'll discuss what to do and how to get professional assistance if you or someone dear to you may be experiencing negative side effects from their nicotine-free vape.



A device known as a nicotine-free vape warms a mixture of propylene glycol, glycerine, and other ingredients to create vapour that is then inhaled. They serve as a medium for various flavours, both with and without nicotine. This belief of the nicotine-free vape being a safe alternative is largely based on the presumption that most of the harm from cigarettes is acquired from the hot smoke produced by the burning plant matter. It has recently become extremely popular for folks looking for an option to smoke cigarettes that is supposedly "healthier." Given that it doesn't normally produce smoke, a nicotine-free vaporiser is healthier in this case, but there are still some serious health risks.

Numerous "cool" and high-tech nicotine-free vape products, including futuristic "pods" or USB drives, are very easy to conceal. They have also become a favourite among individuals who use them to vape, where smoking and vaping are prohibited, because they are much easier to use secretly in locations where you typically wouldn't be able to light a cigarette. The fact that nicotine-free vapes have suddenly gained such popularity, particularly among younger people like teenagers, is one of their major problems.

The nicotine-free vape is also used by many celebrities featured in media, and the devices are made to look like high-tech toys to attract younger and more impulsive customers. This furthers the false notion that vaping without nicotine is healthier or safer for you.


The difference between nicotine vapes and ordinary vapes is that one uses nicotine liquid while the other doesn't.

Regular vapes are best for those acclimated to nicotine but want to avoid smoking, dipping, or other consuming techniques. Various nicotine juices and vapes offer different nicotine contents, enabling users to wean off nicotine gradually.

A person who successfully kicks their nicotine addiction can use nicotine-free liquids and disposables for vaping. These gadgets enable consumers to continue vaping without taking any nicotine.


There are lots of former smokers who use nicotine-free e-cigarettes after weaning off of the drug. They are not very numerous. Many former smokers resort to nicotine vapes to acquire the familiar throat hit and sensation.

More vapers who choose a 0-nicotine cigarette have never smoked previously, so they are not attempting to imitate a sensation to which they were long-term addicts. Some vapers are content with nothing more than how delicious their e-juice tastes.

Additionally, there is a rising sense of belonging among vapers.

Everybody may find a niche within the trend where they feel like they fit in, from mechanical mod makers to dry herb fans. Additionally, no nicotine is needed for this.

Here are some examples of the many types of vapers that seek out less-addictive products:

Competitive Vaping

Competitive vapers congregate in one of the biggest and most well-known vaping communities to display their hardware setups and abilities to blow enormous plumes of vapour.

Sub Ohm vaping with nicotine-containing juices would be challenging to match with cloud generation and tricks. Many would become ill as a result of nicotine poisoning.

Social Vaping

Everyone had previously gone out with pals, gotten too drunk, and yearned for a cigarette or a vape. The use of nicotine-free vapes is growing in popularity, and many individuals realize that without the addiction, there's far less risk and need for protective measures if they were to take a few pulls.

Being a group member is enjoyable, but since smoking is harmful and is outlawed in many locations, it can be challenging to smoke in a social setting. On the other hand, someone looking to mingle finds vaping to be highly appealing.

Casual Vaping

It is no secret that a significant amount of marketing and advertising is centered around vaping. The social and competitive features may appeal to some individuals quite a bit. Furthermore, knowing they can buy a vape and not use nicotine may provide consumers peace of mind. It's vital to realise that nicotine-free vapes still include many other dangerous compounds, so they're not fully safe.


One advantage is that you won't be dependent on nicotine anymore, making quitting e-cigarettes much simpler. That's not the only advantage, though.

The fact that nicotine-free vaping is by far the most affordable method of vaping is another significant advantage. Even though almost every vape juice manufacturer in the world produces nicotine-free e-liquid, most vapers still only purchase nicotine-containing e-liquid. There is virtually always nicotine-free e-liquid available in the sale section of your preferred vape store. You'll benefit from those excellent discounts if you give up nicotine. Vaping will cost you virtually nothing if you frequent the sale areas of your favourite vape shops.


Although a nicotine-free vape contains very little nicotine, there are still some serious hazards associated with using one, as well as potentially painful or hazardous side effects. Additionally, although most vapes or e-cigarettes don't contain nicotine, many foreign compounds are still breathed because the liquid is typically made of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine, flavours, and other chemicals.

Both glycerine and glycol have a reputation for causing obvious irritation in the upper airway, which may result in a chronic cough. Using a nicotine-free vape or e-cigarette has also been associated in some epidemiological research with an increase in dry mouth, gum sensitivity, and different types of gum disease. They also have a long list of potential side effects that may arise from the use, including:

  • Reduced sense of taste
  • Headache
  • Bronchial spasms
  • Persistent itchiness of the mouth, lips, or tongue
  • Burning sensation in the throat
  • Drowsiness or sleepiness
  • A scratchy feeling in the lips, mouth, or throat
  • Shortness of breath or shallow breathing
  • Dizziness that can get more severe after standing up
  • Difficulty breathing due to aggravation of existing conditions like asthma, emphysema, or COPD
  • Irregular heart rate
  • Cough that will not go away after 1-2 weeks

Because the innovation is still in its infancy, the long-term repercussions of vaping are still mostly unclear. Its safety is still questionable, but its original purpose was to offer flavour and impact without the harshness and irritability of hot smoke. Additionally, some data suggests that, at a certain point, the long-term consequences on the lungs may become permanent.

Additionally, there is a chance that some additives or chemicals found in nicotine-free vape juice could either exacerbate existing health problems or create new ones. Using a nicotine-free vaporizer tainted with a specific ingredient, cutting agent, or other dangerous components is one of the many causes of a condition known as "popcorn lung." The chemical causes permanent harm to lung tissue once it is vaporised and inhaled, resulting in scar tissue.

The lungs' capacity to transfer oxygen-rich blood to the other parts of the body has been irreversibly diminished due to damage to the lung tissues. It may result in physical limits for the rest of one's life, an easier time becoming sick with respiratory illnesses, and perhaps the eventual need for oxygen. It could happen if you use a vaporiser that doesn't contain nicotine.

Lung damage, a sudden onset of continuous coughing, trouble breathing normally, and diarrhea are other long-term negative effects of using a nicotine-free vaporiser. Even claims of sudden weight loss, which can be clinically problematic if it occurs too soon, and reports of nausea and vomiting, have been made.

A nicotine-free vape's impact on their target market's young, developing brains is one of its additional potential risks. Kids are more likely to become addicted, and since goods like nicotine-free vaping are promoted to children, addiction can develop much more easily in them.


What health dangers may occur?

There is currently insufficient data to conclude that vaping, in general, poses any long-term health hazards. It's especially true for vapes without nicotine. No studies have supported the theory that flavours like butter or cinnamon may permanently damage the lungs.

What negative effects might vape without nicotine cause?

Most vaping substances have adverse effects; zero mg liquids do not, except for individual constituent allergies and intolerances. Additionally, as there is no research on nicotine-free e-juices, no particular adverse effects are associated with their use.

Is vaping without nicotine addictive?

It seems sensible that nicotine-free vapes aren't addicting since it is. Naturally, this relies on the other components of the e-juice.

The psychological dependence that occurs with vaping is possible. Regardless of whether there are no additives or nicotine in the juice that have you addicted, this is a very powerful want to vape.

What's in the vape with no nicotine?

There is no way to state the ingredients because this depends greatly on the specific e-juice.

To ensure the juice is as pure as possible, avoid liquids containing many chemicals as preservatives. Many e-juices use flavors made from food-grade materials.

What are the risks of vaping without nicotine?

One risk of vaping with zero nicotine is that new users who have never smoked could feel inclined to do so. Since nicotine-free e-juices don't contain anything addictive, people might search for something more potent.

By starting with nicotine-based juices, individuals may develop a nicotine addiction even if they don't subsequently begin smoking.

Is vaping without nicotine bad?

The safety of vaping without nicotine depends on the components in the specific e-juice. To be safe, select a reputable brand that doesn't add a lot of chemicals and unusual flavourings to its e-liquids.

Can nicotine-free vaping damage your lungs?

It's impossible to ascertain in the absence of any extensive studies on the impacts of vaping. We can only claim that people who vape inhale chemicals that they would not normally inhale if they did not vape.

Are there any health advantages to vaping without nicotine?

People quitting smoking might have health benefits, but no one can say for sure because the potential health effects of smoking have not been well studied.

How much nicotine can be in a vaporiser while maintaining the "free" label?

The FDA currently deems any vaping product a "tobacco" product, even if it is labelled and sold as "nicotine-free," and there’ve even been indications of vapes and e-jices tagged as "nicotine-free" containing nicotine. There's no predefined regulation on what quantity of nicotine can or can't be used in an e-juice to be considered "nicotine-free." The majority of the time, nicotine-free e-juices are advertised as having 0% nicotine content; nevertheless, depending on the seller or manufacturer, even nicotine-free e-juices may still contain traces of nicotine.

How can I produce vape juice at home without nicotine?

The simplest method for producing nicotine-free vape juice at home is to leave out the nicotine. It is analogous to omitting an ingredient when baking or cooking. Omit to adding any nicotine to the mixture while producing your e-juice if you don't want any.


It's convenient for folks to quit nicotine while still using their preferred device with nicotine-free e-juices and vapes. Users can still enjoy the flavour characteristics of their e-juice without any addictive chemicals in it by filling a tank or pod with a no-nicotine product. Cutting back gradually is the best action for those who want to stop taking the substance completely.

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