
Save Big on Vaping: How to Extend the Life of Your Vape Coils

From the smooth inhales to the dense clouds, there's no denying the significant role that vape coils play in your vaping journey. But, if you're an avid vaper, you probably know that these little metal marvels can take quite a hit on your pocket if not properly maintained.

Frequent coil replacement not only costs you more money but can also take away from the seamless enjoyment of your vaping sessions. But what if there were ways to extend the life of your vape coils, enabling you to save big and vape with ease for longer? Good news – there is!

In this blog post, we're going to deep dive into effective strategies you can use to extend the life of your vape coils. But first, let's understand what vape coils are and how they work.

What Are Vape Coils and How Do They Work?


A vape coil, also known as an atomizer head, is the heart of your vape. It’s the part of your device that heats the e-liquid to produce that delightful vapor you inhale. The coil is typically made up of a wrapped metal wire and a wicking material that draws the e-liquid.

When you power your vaping device, the battery sends electricity to the coil, heating it up. As the coil heats, it vaporizes the e-liquid absorbed by the wicking material, creating vapor that you can inhale.

However, over time, the coil collects residue from the e-liquid, which can result in a burnt taste or reduced vapor production. This is when it’s time to clean or replace your coil.

How Long Do Vape Coils Last?

The lifespan of a vape coil depends on multiple factors such as your vaping habits, the type of e-liquid you use, and the power of your device. Generally, a vape coil can last anywhere from a week to a month. However, with the right care and maintenance, you can extend this lifespan significantly.

Here's how to do it:

1. Prime Your Coils Before Use

Priming is a crucial step to extend the life of your vape coils. It involves saturating the wick with e-liquid before you start vaping.

Here’s how to prime your coil:

  • Install the new coil into the tank.
  • Drip a few drops of e-liquid directly onto the coil’s exposed cotton areas.
  • Fill the tank with e-liquid and let it sit for around 10-15 minutes to allow the coil to soak up the e-liquid.

This will prevent dry burning, which can cause the wicking material to burn and shorten the lifespan of your coil.

2. Avoid 'Chain Vaping'

Chain vaping – taking multiple draws in a row – can cause your coil to overheat, reducing its lifespan. Try to leave a small gap between your draws to let the coil cool down and the wick to re-saturate with e-liquid.

3. Use the Right Power Setting

Using your vape at high wattages can stress the coil and burn the wicking material. Find the optimal power range for your coil (usually printed on the coil itself) and stick to it.

4. Clean Your Coils Regularly

Regular cleaning can keep your coil in top condition and prolong its lifespan. To clean your coil:

  • Disassemble your vape and remove the coil.
  • Rinse the coil under hot running water until it’s clean.
  • Let it air dry completely before reinstalling.

Remember that you can only clean and reuse coils that do not have a burnt wick.

5. Choose Your E-Liquids Wisely

Certain e-liquids can cause coil gunk faster than others. For instance, sweet or darker-colored e-liquids tend to clog the coil more quickly. Switching to a clearer or less sweet e-liquid can help your coil last longer.

Extending the life of your vape coils not only helps you save money but also improves your vaping experience. With these tips, you'll have longer-lasting coils and more enjoyable vaping sessions.

The Importance of Vape Coil Maintenance


Maintenance is the name of the game when it comes to vape coil longevity. While these components are designed to withstand constant heating and cooling, the extreme temperature fluctuations can eventually take their toll. Without proper care, your vape coils can degrade prematurely, leading to subpar performance and costly replacements.

So, what can you do to keep your vape coil in peak condition? The following tips go beyond regular cleaning and priming to give you a comprehensive approach to vape coil maintenance:

1. Watch Your E-Liquid Level

Running your device with a low e-liquid level can cause the coil to dry out and burn. Always ensure your tank has enough e-liquid to keep the wick fully saturated. It’s best to refill your tank when it's about one-third full.

2. Be Mindful of the PG/VG Ratio

E-liquids come in various propylene glycol (PG) to vegetable glycerin (VG) ratios. While high VG e-liquids produce thicker clouds, they can also gunk up your coil faster due to their viscosity. On the other hand, high PG e-liquids are thinner and less likely to clog the coil. If you’re experiencing frequent coil gunk, consider switching to an e-liquid with a higher PG ratio.

3. Rotate Your E-Liquids

Just like you wouldn’t wear the same outfit every day, consider switching up your e-liquids. Regularly rotating between different flavors can prevent your coil from getting overwhelmed by the residue of a single e-liquid. Plus, you’ll also get to enjoy a wider variety of flavors!

4. Don't Let Your Coils Sit Idle for Too Long

If you're not using a particular vape device for an extended period, it’s best to remove the coil and store it separately. Leaving the coil to sit in e-liquid can lead to oversaturation, resulting in a loss of flavor and potential leakage.

5. Replace Your Coils Regularly

While we’re all about extending the lifespan of your coils, there comes a time when you need to replace them for optimal vaping experience. Persistent issues like a burnt taste, poor vapor production, or leakage are signs that your coil has reached its end.

Vaping should always be a pleasurable experience. Sticking to a regular maintenance schedule and knowing when to replace your vape coil can go a long way towards ensuring consistent performance and flavor.

Understanding Different Types of Vape Coils


Vape coils aren’t a one-size-fits-all component. There are several types of vape coils, each with unique characteristics that can influence their lifespan and maintenance needs:

1. Standard Coils:

These are your run-of-the-mill coils that you’ll find in most starter kits. They’re generally made of kanthal, a material that is easy to work with and known for its longevity.

2. Sub-Ohm Coils:

As the name suggests, these coils have a resistance of less than 1 ohm. They’re designed for sub-ohm vaping, a style of vaping that produces massive clouds of vapor. Because of the high amount of heat they generate, sub-ohm coils can wear out faster than standard ones.

3. Temperature Control (TC) Coils:

TC coils are designed to work with mods that offer a temperature control function. These coils, typically made of stainless steel, nickel, or titanium, allow you to adjust the temperature of your vape for a more personalized experience. They can often last longer as the temperature control feature prevents them from getting too hot.

4. Rebuildable Coils:

For the DIY vapers out there, rebuildable coils offer the chance to create your coil to your specifications. You can choose your wire type, resistance, and wicking material. While these coils offer the most customization, they also require the most maintenance.

Each type of coil offers a unique vaping experience. Regardless of the type you choose, the same maintenance and care guidelines apply to ensure your coil’s longevity.


In conclusion, taking proper care of your vape coils can dramatically improve the quality of your vaping experience and save you a pretty penny in the process. Remember, vaping is more than just replacing components when they wear out; it's about understanding your device and treating it with care.

As always, the team at is here to support you on your vaping journey. Whether you need guidance on coil care, or you're looking to explore new vape flavors, we've got you covered. Check out our wide range of vaping products and accessories, and let's keep those clouds rolling!

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