Long-Term Side Effects of Vaping
In recent years, the use of e-cigarettes and other devices with nicotine has increased in popularity.
In the United States, just over 14% of adults, as of 2018, had used an e-cigarette or vape. Younger people appear to be more fascinated by technology, and e-cigarette use falls as the population ages.
While the long-term effects of vaping and vaping products are not yet well understood, we are aware of the risks posed by nicotine and other substances included in e-juices used in vapes and electronic cigarettes.
We'll go through typical and unusual side effects of vaping in this article, along with possible long-term repercussions, reasons to stop vaping, and when to see a doctor.
The adverse effects of vaping often begin as minor symptoms like headaches or coughing but can become severe enough to necessitate hospitalisation.
Typical negative effects include:
- Coughing: Inhaling foreign chemicals into the lungs might cause coughing. It's also the e-cigarette or vaping's a most prevalent initial side effect. Most of those who vape for the first time say that they cough.
- Frequent Headaches: One of the most frequently reported adverse effects of vaping, according to an analysis of social media, is headaches. Research supports the claim that nicotine exposure is a common cause of headaches, including migraines and other headaches.
- Dry Mouth: When the saliva glands cannot moisten the mouth, it develops a dry mouth. Vegetable glycerine, commonly referred to as propylene glycol, is a typical component of e-liquids and might result in dry mouth.
- Shortness of Breath: There is a twofold increase in the risk of having persistent cough and shortness of breath when exposed to chemical flavourings. In a recent study, 92% of all e-cigarette tastes evaluated contained one of three hazardous chemical flavourings.
- Burning Throat: In a social media analysis, tweets with the phrases "hot" and "throat" predominated discussions on vaping. Strong nicotine or a person's inexperience with vaping could be the source of burning and stinging sensations. Some claim that these sensations disappear after "becoming acclimated" to vaping.
- Palpitations: As a sympathomimetic substance, nicotine increases heart rate and cardiac activity. According to at least one study, E-cigarette use may be directly linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular events like heart attacks.
- Dizziness: 15-20% of vapers frequently report experiencing dizziness as a symptom.
Although less frequent, several of these vaping adverse effects are significantly more harmful.
- Acute Respiratory Failure: After using vape devices, patients with no prior lung conditions or diseases were admitted to the hospital with acute respiratory failure. Studies show the alarming connection between vaping and abrupt respiratory failure. However, more research is still required.
- Seizures: Due to the activities of nicotine in the brain, a nicotine overdose can raise your risk of attacks. Since vape liquid has a high nicotine content, swallowing it unintentionally or consuming too much of it can result in seizures.
- Lipoid Pneumonia: A highly serious form of pneumonia called lipoid pneumonia can result in respiratory failure and long-term lung damage. Following vaping, lipoid pneumonia has been identified in several patients.
- Sudden Death: Vaping may alter the electrical conductivity of the heart, which might increase the probability of premature death in people with specific heart diseases, according to some patient cases, even though the connection has not been confirmed. This reaction is thought to result from nicotine's harmful effects as well as flavourings and solvents.
It is yet unclear how vaping will affect your health over time.
However, studies on the impacts of substances included in vape and e-cigarette devices and regular smoking can be examined.
Long-term nicotine usage can cause blood clots, stomach ulcers, and heart problems.
Reduced lung function overall has also been linked to regular vaping. Several substances in the e-liquids used in vape and e-cigarette devices have been linked to negative health effects.
A component of vape juice called propylene glycol has been linked to asthma and popcorn lung, a serious and irreversible form of lung damage. Another crucial factor to consider is the possibility of addiction.
In a recent study, over half of young adult e-cigarette users reported having a slight vaping addiction.
It's alarming, given that nicotine addiction is among the main causes of death that may be prevented in the US.
The nicotine in vapes is frequently more addicting than the nicotine in regular cigarettes.
You touch with known carcinogens—chemicals believed to cause cancer through smoking and vaping.
Smokers of conventional cigarettes and e-cigarettes are susceptible to the wide range of malignancies nicotine can cause in almost every organ of the body.
Cigarettes and vaping both have disadvantages.
Because traditional cigarettes have been around longer, more scientific evidence supports their harmful effects.
When e-cigarettes first entered the market, they were promoted as a way to lessen the negative effects of cigarette smoking.
The number of puffs on an e-cig and the number of regular cigarettes smoked do not directly correlate, making it challenging to compare the two.
Additionally, more and more studies reveal that vaping has even more negative health effects than regular smoking.
The dangers of conventional cigarettes have been extensively researched. Therefore, the CDC still advises against "switching back" if you start vaping to quit smoking.
But quitting entirely is the best course of action for your health.
Your lungs can suffer from various substances, including nicotine, propylene glycol, vitamin E acetate, and other chemicals.
The phrase "e-cigarette or vaping use-associated lung injury" (EVALI) refers to lung problems brought on by vaping.
Over 2800 hospitalizations caused by EVALI were documented in the US as of 2020. All of the patients had previously used vaping products.
According to experts, the main culprit for EVALI is vitamin E acetate and other substances.
It's because, independent of location or patient demographics, vitamin E acetate has been discovered in the lungs of all EVALI patients.
The only way to diagnose this condition is through the process of exclusion, but common signs include chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and dizziness.
EVALI can result in mortality, irreversible lung damage, and respiratory failure.
The advantages of giving up vaping or ending a nicotine addiction are immeasurable.
You'll gain numerous health advantages and give your lungs a break, and you won't subject others to secondhand smoke or fumes (also known to cause respiratory damage).
Here are a few more justifications for giving up smoking and vaping:
- Set a good example for the young people in your life and those around you.
- Boost your life's overall quality.
- Lower your risk of cardiovascular problems.
- Allow your lungs, blood vessels, and heart to recover from prolonged irritation.
- It increases the likelihood of surviving following a cancer diagnosis.
- It lessens the possibility of lung infection, disease, and chronic lung damage.
- Lessen your chance of dying.
- Eliminate all nicotine-related products from your home because they can lead to overdoses in kids and animals.
- Reduce or eliminate dependence and addiction symptoms
Even if you don't feel ready to begin your path to stop vaping, you can. One of the most important steps is just deciding to quit.
Here are some additional tips and resources to assist you in giving up vaping:
Make a plan.
Decide when to start quitting. Choose a strategy to reduce your vaping, such as taking fewer smoke breaks each day or reducing social cues that promote it. You can attempt stopping abruptly and shift to a pack of gum or patches as a nicotine replacement, or you might opt to wean yourself off gradually over time.
Don't give in to cravings immediately.
Try to delay vaping for an additional 10 minutes and then 20. Given the extra time, the impulse might subside. It may be more helpful to tell oneself to wait than to suppress the urge completely.
Keep your mind occupied.
Try working out, chewing gum, or engaging in manual labor to avoid giving in to urges. Recognize the circumstances that could lead you to give in to desires and try to control or even prevent them.
Think about why you want to quit.
All your justifications for quitting should be listed, along with how your life will be affected. Saving money, enhancing your health, and spending more time with your family are a few examples. Keep it there so you'll see it frequently as a reminder.
Use medical treatment.
Some prescription drugs can help you control the withdrawal symptoms from nicotine and aid in quitting. When necessary, a medical expert can prescribe these and assist you in gradually weaning off nicotine by prescribing nicotine replacement treatments like gum or patches. You can manage your cravings and symptoms and receive support as you quit using medically supervised programs incorporating peer support, therapy, and medication.
Find support.
If you need emotional or social assistance, turn to your family or friends. On most social media sites, you can find online communities that support one another in motivating others to quit.
The nicotine content of vapes varies. A medical emergency involving a nicotine overdose requires prompt intervention.
Call the emergency poison hotline as soon as you experience any combination of the symptoms listed below within 15 to 60 minutes of vaping.
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach ache
- Headaches
- Eye irritation
- Tremors
- Sweating
- Anxiety and restlessness
Seek immediate emergency medical attention if you experience any of the following symptoms:
- Confusion
- Seizures
- Difficulty breathing
- Heart palpitations
- Tremors
- Severe dizziness or faintness
- Chest pain
Acute respiratory failure and EVALI are both characterized by significant breathing difficulties, including fainting, drowsiness, weakness, fever, and cough.
If you believe you have EVALI, respiratory failure, or nicotine overdose, you should seek emergency medical assistance immediately.
What are vaping's top five risks?
The potential for respiratory sickness, higher risk of cardiovascular problems, long-term lung damage, development of asthma, and unexpected death are five risks associated with vaping.
Is daily vaping harmful?
Even if you don't smoke daily, some concerns remain. Whether you smoke occasionally or frequently, vaping and smoking are bad for your health. However, smoking or vaping often increases your risk even further.
Can your lungs heal from vaping?
According to studies, people who stop smoking eventually start to heal on their own. Some lung damage will likely repair after you stop vaping, even though the long-term effects of vaping are still unknown.
Does vaping aid in the cessation of smoking?
Vaping might not even aid in smoking cessation. According to one study, adult smokers who smoked e-cigarettes were 28% less likely to quit smoking. Another thing to consider is that you might not know the hazard because vaping is so new. We are already aware of some of the dangers of vaping and the fact that it does not appear to aid in smoking cessation. But recent health hazards associated with vaping may become known to us in the future.
What further steps can I take to stop smoking?
Numerous studies have been conducted on methods for assisting smokers in stopping, including specific drugs or medicated chewing gum. Consult your doctor regarding these. Additionally, think about ways to enhance your overall health without changing your current medication, like increasing your physical activity or learning relaxation techniques.
Smoking cigarettes is the most common way for people to consume nicotine. Natural nicotine can be found in tobacco and is a highly addictive substance. While e-cigarettes also let users inhale nicotine, they do so by heating liquid nicotine, taste, and other chemical mixture into vapour. The main distinction between e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes is that the former don't contain tobacco. Numerous compounds found in traditional cigarettes are dangerous. There are some of the same compounds in electronic cigarettes.
Don't dismiss lung or chest pain as being normal if you smoke or vape. It's crucial to contact a doctor if you have discomfort or other signs of breathing problems, such as feeling short of breath and a persistent cough.